Find out if you might be dealing with social anxiety disorder by taking our quick online test.

How much have you been bothered by these problems in the past 7 days.
  • Felt moments of sudden terror, fear, or fright in social situations.

  • Felt anxious, worried, or nervous about social situations.

  • Had thoughts of being rejected, humiliated, embarrassed, ridiculed, or offending others

  • Felt a racing heart, sweaty, trouble breathing, faint, or shaky in social situations

  • Felt tense muscles, felt on edge or restless, or had trouble relaxing in social situations

  • Avoided, or did not approach or enter, social situations

  • Left social situations early or participated only minimally (e.g., said little, avoided eye contact)

  • Spend a lot of time preparing what to say or how to act in social situations

  • Distracted myself to avoid thinking about social situations.

  • Needed help to cope with social situations (e.g., alcohol or medications, superstitious objects).

Source: Craske et al., 2013, American Psychiatric Association

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